HOME . . . . . Experiments . . . . . L'Robotorium

U D0N'T H4V3 2 B 4 G3N1U5 2 B C0M3 4 G3N1U5!

Ready-2-Play Robotics
5t4nd1ng @ th3 3dg3 0f 5p3ct4t10n!

Give a child a toy and they're happy for an hour.
Teach a child how to make their own toys, and they're happy for life!

All my 3D CAD Model .STL files are on PinShape.com
Remember when you were building a plastic model and thought about something or things you wanted to do to that model to make it better, or customize it as your own? That is the power you attain from learning 3D CAD modeling and 3D Printing.

3D Printer .STL Files FREE Downloading!

miniFloppyBot .STL Part Files

miniFloppyBigFootBot .STL Part Files

miniFloppyTinyDancerBot .STL Part Files

miniFloppyBiPedalBot .STL Part Files

miniFloppySuperHero6Bot Kit

miniFloppyPIXYCMUcam5Bot Kit

miniFloppyBot Extra Parts Kit

miniBattleBot Parts Kit

miniFloppySquattyBot Kit

miniFloppySquattyPIXYCMUcam5Bot Kit

BillyBot Kit

Skully Kit

D.A.I.R. Kit

CCL Circle & Milk Carton Art Table Lamp



60mm ZumoBot

miniFloppyBot FACES Kit

miniFloppyBot WHEELS Kit

miniFloppyBot Leg2 Kit

miniFloppyBobBot .STL Part Files

miniFloppyBot WheelChair Kit

miniFloppyCMUcam2Bot Kit

miniFloppyFishyBallBot Kit

miniFloppyDogBot Kit

miniFloppySuperHeroBot Kit

miniFloppySuperHero5Bot Kit

miniFloppyOLEDBot Kit

Santa's WorkShop Machine1 Kit

ZUMO d.c. motor Kit

ZumoSuperHeroBots with PIXY CMUcam5s

50mm & 100mm Mecanum Wheels

Robot Base Frame Kits

X-Project-15 HexBotPartsKit.zip

Quad Mecanum Wheel Rover Kit


IF you have a RoboGuts™ circuit board based project that is accepted to the X-Projects we will give you a FREE RoboGuts™ circuit board

Your project must be built with a RoboGuts™ circuit board
Your project must include all programming code and be structured and documented
IF your project includes any 3D printed components the .STL files must be supplied with the submission
IF your project includes any other components you will have to supply a list of all components including html links to purchase sources

X-Project-00 = Singing 'n Dancing miniFloppyBot

Click on the picture above to see the programming code

Body box, 2 Wheels, Top, Skid and Face ... the whole kit can be 3D printed on most printers in one day.

Learn how to build the bots

B.0 = RWheel, B.1 = LWheel B.7 = Red LED, B.6 = Green LED, B.5 = Blue LED C.0 = Talk & Song

Uses Just Four of the Experiments;
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Powering the RoboGuts™ circuit board
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-Color LED
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SpeakJet (Phrase-A-Lator Development Kit)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Standard Servo Motor

Teacher Notes

X-Project-01 = Cave Explorer miniFloppyBot

Click on the Image to Reveal the Programming Code
Body box, 2 Wheels, Top, Skid and Face ... the whole kit can be 3D printed on most printers in one day.

Only 1 rubber band on 1 wheel for traction is why the bot
falters a little in the normal programmed operation,
but it is easily seen how the program works in the demo video.

ScardyBot ... Turns to Run Away
increase the turn radius of X0 closer to 180° to run away

ScardyBot ... Turns to Run Away
increase the turn radius of X0 closer to 180° to run away

Flip the direction and now you have a Psuedo SumoBot that goes after whatever is close!

Finds something in range and tries to stick to it like a poopie on your shoe!

Uses Five of the Experiments;
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Powering the RoboGuts™ circuit board
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-Color LED
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PING Ultrasonic Sensor
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SpeakJet (Phrase-A-Lator Development Kit)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Standard Servo Motor

Teacher Notes *

X-Project-02 = PIXYbot

Click on the Image to Reveal the Programming Code

The PIXYbot is a miniFloppyBot with a RoboGuts™ and a PIXY CMUcam5.
The bot sees a color, displays the color in its body 3-color LED and speaks about the color it sees.

. . . . . . . . . . The one caveat to this is you need to have good lighting and bright colors for this sensor to see and
. . . . . . . . . . recognize colors correctly. Color lights and bacck-lit objects do not work with the PIXY CMUcam5.

Click on the Image to Reveal the Programming Code


Sensors are;
1x PIXY CMUcam5
1x Parallax PING or HC-SR04, or SR-05 ... almost any of the popular UltraSonics on the market
3x SHARP GP2D12 IR Range Finders
2x Sharp GP2Y0D805Z0F IR Range Finders
5x QTR-LRC-1A Reflectance Sensors

Part Files can be found Here

The 3-Sensor Line Follower board I designed;

I'm thinking of a 5-sensor board too ... each sensor is center to center 10mm apart.

Teacher Notes *

X-Project-03 = Skully ... The Head of the Grim Reaper

A Skull that moves its Jaw and Turns its Neck while it Talks

Click on the Image to Reveal the Programming Code

Click on the Image to Reveal the Programming Code

Teacher Notes *

X-Project-04 = Build a BillyBot Talking, Singing & Dancing Robot

Click on the Image to Reveal the Programming Code

Easy to build other than painting the parts and soldering up the audio amplifier PINs.

Click on the Image to Reveal the Programming Code

The RoboGuts™ are so simple!

B.0 = Right Wheel, B.1 = Left Wheel, B.2 = Right Arm, B.3 = Left Arm, B.4 = Neck
B.7 = Red LED, B.6 = Green LED, B.5 = Blue LED
C.0 = Talk & Song

Teacher Notes *

X-Project-05 = Build a miniFloppyBot with OLED Eyes

Designed for the PICAXE 28X2 module with enough memory for all the movements, although smaller chips can still make movable eyes.

Teacher Notes

X-Project-06 = R2Pv1-OmniRover1

Teacher Notes *

X-Project-07 = D.A.I.R.

Teacher Notes *

X-Project-08 = Gakken Centipede

Still under development. The idea is to add a PING sensor to the front and teach the Gakken Centipede to avoide collisions.


- = YouTube Demo Video Here = -

Teacher Notes

X-Project-09 = Machine1 for Santa's WorkShop


Santa's WorkShop Machine1

Teacher Notes

X-Project-10 = ZUMO chassis precursor to the Self-Driving Car

Starting with a ZUMO chassis I added a 3D printable platform for the RoboGuts™ circuit board and just below is the space for wiring and a TB6612FNG d.c. motor driver board.

You can see that you could add an UltraSonic sensor or IR Range finder to the front for collision avoidance.

The TB6612FNG d.c. motor driver with the PICAXE PIN definitions for easy connection.

ZUMO .STL Files for 3D Printing

Still under development. The idea is to add a PING sensor to the front and rear, a Line Following Sensor Board under the chassis and teach the car to follow lines, then maybe even parallel park.

Teacher Notes

X-Project-11 = Musical Floppy Disk Drive

So many copy cats using canned Arduino software and hardware to play music on an old Floppy Disk Drive. I decided to unveil the simplicity of this so PICAXE users an start making songs ... maybe expand on this project since a 28X2 could probably manage ten FDDs. I plan to add this to the list of "X-Projects" at the end of the FREE beginner lessons on my website ...

Another Experiment Listing

Teacher Notes

X-Project-12 = PICAXE + DS1804 + Radio Shack Theremin

Almost Musical!

Sirens are Not Quite Musical Radio Shack Theremin

The first several experiments dimming a LED to control the Radio Shack Theremin just didn't work as well as I thought, but I was able to get some usable sounds that were fun.

Teacher Notes

Teacher Notes

X-Project-13 = Flying Saucer

Yeah, It's a Plastic Pie Pan and a Salad Kit Bowl filled with LEDs!

Yeah, 3-Color LEDs!

Teacher Notes

X-Project-14 = Quad Mecanum Wheel Dowel Rod Rover Base


Teacher Notes

X-Project-15 = Remote Control HexBot or HexaPod with Pololu Maestro Servo Controller

HexBotPartsKit.zip X-Project-15-28X2-HexBot+Maestro24.bas

Teacher Notes

X-Project-16 = Octal Wheel Dowel Rod Rover Base w/2x Servo Motors/Corner

Program Code for Remote Control Octal Rover Platform

Teacher Notes

X-Project-17 = Musical Stepper Motor Milk Cartons

See Experiment TIC T500 Stepper Motor Controller

20210415 Ghost Waltz Intro Stepper Motor Demo Music

Experiment Programming Code

Teacher Notes

Teacher Notes

X-Project-18 =

Teacher Notes

Teacher Notes

X-Project-19 =

Teacher Notes

Teacher Notes

X-Project-20 =

Teacher Notes

Teacher Notes

X-Project-21 =

Teacher Notes

(Currently looking for online retailers to provide more affordable RoboGuts™ Experiment Kits Experiment Kit Components List)

ITMT; What Components and Where to Buy them

Donate to the cause and help take this another step forward!

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