Old Pueblo Engineering Center
Founded 2006 in Tucson, AZ. to explore Human/Robot Interactivity
“Drilling Brains for a New & Better Use of Technology”
Patents Pending


Ready-2-Play Robotics
5t4nd1ng @ th3 3dg3 0f 5p3ct4t10n!

Give a child a toy and they're happy for an hour.
Teach a child how to make their own toys, and they're happy for life!

UltraSonic bracket held down for gluing with two 3mm screws.
After the glue dries remove the screws to avoid shorts.

A near final Collision Avoidance program for the X-Project;

Going Remote Control (R/C) is fun

ZumoBot2 the R/C version software

Teacher Notes R Important!

I hope teachers can help contribute and build these notes to be more productive for everyone.
Feel free to submit your ideas and solutions to; Walt Perko
Do not be afraid to send me corrections to anything on this website!
I am far from perfect!