Old Pueblo Engineering Center
Founded 2006 in Tucson, AZ. to explore Human/Robot Interactivity
“Drilling Brains for a New & Better Use of Technology”
Patents Pending


Ready-2-Play Robotics
5t4nd1ng @ th3 3dg3 0f 5p3ct4t10n!

Give a child a toy and they're happy for an hour.
Teach a child how to make their own toys, and they're happy for life!

Set Stepper Motor Position

; Acceleration = 4000000 = (0xEA,0x00,0x00,0x09,0x3D,0x00) = FAST

; Acceleration = 4000 = (0xEA,0x01,0x20,0x0F,0x00,0x00) = SLOW

; Set Max Deceleration = 4000 = (0xE9,0x01,0x20,0x0F,0x00,0x00) = SLOW

; Step Mode = 1/8th steps = (0x94,0x03)

; Set Target Position = (0xE0,0xXX,0xXX,0xXX,0xXX,0xXX)

Position every 22.5° or 1/16th Rotation
Degrees NFO for TIC.doc

; 22.5° Rotation = 12.5 steps = 100 µSteps = (0xE0,0x00,0x64,0x00,0x00,0x00)

; 45° Rotation = 25 steps = 200 µSteps = (0xE0,0x01,0x48,0x00,0x00,0x00)

; 67.5° Rotation = 37.5 steps = 300 µSteps = (0xE0,0x01,0x2C,0x01,0x00,0x00)

; 90° Rotation = 50 steps = 400 µSteps = (0xE0,0x01,0x10,0x01,0x00,0x00)

; 112.5° Rotation = 62.5 steps = 500 µSteps = (0xE0,0x01,0x74,0x01,0x00,0x00)

; 135° Rotation = 75 steps = 600 µSteps = (0xE0,0x00,0x58,0x00,0x00,0x00)

; 157.5° Rotation = 87.5 steps = 700 µSteps = (0xE0,0x01,0x3C,0x02,0x00,0x00)

; 180° Rotation = 100 steps = 800 µSteps = (0xE0,0x00,0x20,0x03,0x00,0x00)

; 202.5° Rotation = 112.5 steps = 900 µSteps = (0xE0,0x01,0x04,0x03,0x00,0x00)

; 225° Rotation = 125 steps = 1000 µSteps = (0xE0,0x01,0x68,0x03,0x00,0x00)

; 247.5° Rotation = 137.5 steps = 1100 µSteps = (0xE0,0x00,0x4C,0x04,0x00,0x00)

; 270° Rotation = 150 steps = 1200 µSteps = (0xE0,0x01,0x30,0x04,0x00,0x00)

; 292.5° Rotation = 162.5 steps = 1300 µSteps = (0xE0,0x00,0x13,0x05,0x00,0x00)

; 315° Rotation = 175 steps = 1400 µSteps = (0xE0,0x00,0x78,0x05,0x00,0x00)

; 337.5° Rotation = 175 steps = 1400 µSteps = (0xE0,0x00,0x20,0x03,0x00,0x00)

; 360° Rotation = 200 steps = 1600 µSteps = (0xE0,0x01,0x04,0x03,0x00,0x00)

Musical Note Frequencies

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x00,0x38,0x32,0x04,0x00) ; Spin @ 275000pps = A0

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x00,0x16,0x72,0x04,0x00) ; Spin @ 291350pps = A#0

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x03,0x48,0x35,0x04,0x00) ; Spin @ 308680pps = B0

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x03,0x76,0x7D,0x04,0x00) ; Spin @ 327030pps = C1

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x00,0x70,0x49,0x05,0x00) ; Spin @ 346480pps = C#1

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x03,0x68,0x19,0x05,0x00) ; Spin @ 367080pps = D1

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x02,0x2E,0x6F,0x05,0x00) ; Spin @ 388910pps = D#1

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x00,0x7E,0x49,0x06,0x00) ; Spin @ 412030pps = E1

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x02,0x3C,0x29,0x06,0x00) ; Spin @ 436540pps = F1

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x01,0x1A,0x0E,0x07,0x00) ; Spin @ 462490pps = F#1

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x00,0x06,0x7A,0x07,0x00) ; Spin @ 489990pps = G1

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x03,0x5A,0x6B,0x07,0x00) ; Spin @ 519130pps = G#1

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x00,0x70,0x64,0x08,0x000) ; Spin @ 550000pps = A1

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x02,0x2C,0x64,0x08,0x00) ; Spin @ 582700pps = A#1

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x01,0x06,0x6B,0x09,0x00) ; Spin @ 617350pps = B1

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x03,0x6C,0x7A,0x09,0x00) ; Spin @ 654060pps = C2

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x03,0x70,0x16,0x0A,0x00) ; Spin @ 694000pps = C#2

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x01,0x50,0x33,0x0B,0x00) ; Spin @ 734160pps = D2

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x02,0x28,0x5B,0x0B,0x00) ; Spin @ 777000pps = D#2

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x02,0x06,0x13,0x0C,0x00) ; Spin @ 824070pps = E2

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x00,0x6E,0x52,0x0D,0x00) ; Spin @ 873070pps = F2

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x00,0x48,0x1D,0x0E,0x00) ; Spin @ 925000pps = F#2

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x02,0x16,0x74,0x0E,0x00) ; Spin @ 979990pps = G2

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x03,0x00,0x5E,0x0F,0x00) ; Spin @ 1040000pps = G#2

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x03,0x60,0x48,0x10,0x00) ; Spin @ 1100000pps = A2

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x03,0x48,0x46,0x11,0x00) ; Spin @ 1165000pps = A#2

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x02,0x0C,0x57,0x12,0x00) ; Spin @ 1234700pps = B2

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x03,0x44,0x75,0x13,0x00) ; Spin @ 1308100pps = C3

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x01,0x30,0x35,0x15,0x00) ; Spin @ 1390000pps = C#3

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x01,0x0C,0x67,0x16,0x00) ; Spin @ 1468300pps = D3

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x03,0x40,0x4D,0x17,0x00) ; Spin @ 1560000pps = D#3

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x01,0x64,0x25,0x19,0x00) ; Spin @ 1648100pps = E3

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x03,0x34,0x24,0x1A,0x00) ; Spin @ 1746100pps = F3

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x01,0x10,0x3A,0x1C,0x00) ; Spin @ 1850000pps = F#3

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x02,0x40,0x68,0x1D,0x00) ; Spin @ 1960000pps = G3

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x02,0x00,0x3D,0x1F,0x00) ; Spin @ 2080000pps = G#3

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x03,0x40,0x11,0x21,0x00) ; Spin @ 2200000pps = A3

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x03,0x10,0x0D,0x23,0x00) ; Spin @ 2330000pps = A#3

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x02,0x18,0x2E,0x25,0x00) ; Spin @ 2469400pps = B3

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x03,0x6C,0x6B,0x27,0x00) ; Spin @ 2616300pps = C4

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x00,0x50,0x44,0x2A,0x00) ; Spin @ 2770000pps = C#4

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x02,0x7C,0x4F,0x2C,0x00) ; Spin @ 29367 pps = D4

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x00,0x70,0x74,0x2F,0x00) ; Spin @ 3110000pps = D#4

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x00,0x2C,0x4C,0x32,0x00) ; Spin @ 3296300pps = E4

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x01,0x4C,0x49,0x35,0x00) ; Spin @ 34923 pps = F4

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x00,0x20,0x75,0x38,0x00) ; Spin @ 3700000pps = F#4

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x03,0x00,0x50,0x3B,0x00) ; Spin @ 3920000pps = G4

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x01,0x60,0x2B,0x3F,0x00) ; Spin @ 4140000pps = G#4

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x01,0x00,0x23,0x43,0x00) ; Spin @ 4400000pps = A4

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x00,0x30,0x42,0x47,0x00) ; Spin @ 4670000pps = A#4

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x00,0x30,0x5C,0x4B,0x00) ; Spin @ 4938800pps = B4

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x02,0x74,0x57,0x4F,0x00) ; Spin @ 5232500pps = C5

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x03,0x30,0x2F,0x54,0x00) ; Spin @ 5550000pps = C#5

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x03,0x14,0x1E,0x59,0x00) ; Spin @ 5873300pps = D5

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x03,0x24,0x72,0x5E,0x00) ; Spin @ 6222500pps = D#5

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x02,0x58,0x18,0x64,0x00) ; Spin @ 6592600pps = E5

serout C.2,T4800_8,(0XE3,0x03,0x18,0x13,0x6A,0x00) ; Spin @ 6984600pps = F5

The MusicalNoteNFOforTIC.doc is color and easier to follow showing the calculations and method to generate code for serout data

Further reference at Pololu.com

Pololu TIC T500