Old Pueblo Engineering Center
Founded 2006 in Tucson, AZ. to explore Human/Robot Interactivity
“Drilling Brains for a New & Better Use of Technology”
Patents Pending


Ready-2-Play Robotics
5t4nd1ng @ th3 3dg3 0f 5p3ct4t10n!

Give a child a toy and they're happy for an hour.
Teach a child how to make their own toys, and they're happy for life!

Pololu Micro Maestro 6-channel Servo Motor Controller

Maestro 6 Serial Settings

Maestro 6 Serial Settings Fastest Movements

Maestro 6 Serial Settings Slowest Movements

Further reference at Pololu.com

Pololu Micro Maestro 6-Channel USB Servo Controller

How to calculate serial position data

Calculating Position Data for Serial Commands